An Independent Design Studio Creating Brands & Visual Experiences

River Valley Church


River Valley Church

From 2011 to 2018 I worked full-time on staff at River Valley Church, first as a Motion Graphic Designer (2011-2013), and then as a the Lead Designer (2013-2018). Here is a succinct but comprehensive overview of my work there.

Sermon Series

As the Lead Designer, I oversaw design and art direction for a few dozen sermon series, here are some selects.


Album Projects

Over my time at River Valley, I designed three albums for River Valley Worship. For a more in-depth look at each album, click the image.



For the first two years, before becoming the Lead Designer, I was the Motion Designer. Here are a some projects I worked on during, and after that time.




Here are a bunch of other stuff I had the opportunity to create that doesn't neatly fit into the buckets above.